Life & Business Coaching with Christine Kell


How to increase your health & wealth with feng shui

Another peek inside my home. It’s been 10 months since we finished the kitchen remodel and I’m just totally IN LOVE with our tiny, 24-inch stovetop.😍

Another peek inside my home. It’s been 10 months since we finished the kitchen remodel and I’m just totally IN LOVE with our tiny, 24-inch stovetop.😍


I love this simple way to use feng shui to help increase your health and wealth.

In order to transform your life, find more peace in your every day, and create results in your life—

A lot of feng shui is about knowing exactly how and where to place furniture and objects in your home, and what colors work best where, yin and yang, etc.

I remember the moment I learned this simple thing I'm about to share with you—

It was late spring 2013 and I was studying feng shui with Terah Kathryn Collins at the Western School of Feng Shui — it was just so easy, I gave it a try.

And I was wowed by the results.

(Like, that same week, I attracted a new client, signing a $2,000 contract.)

And, it was such a simple thing!


Here it is:

Your stove represents the health and wealth of those in your household!

Keep it clean and clutter-free (between meals, of course) and you will attract health and wealth to your life.

So, imagine your stove right now. Is it clean and well cared-for? Or does it need some love?

What do you think a stinky, gloppy, greasy stove does for your health and wealth?

Think you’re gonna feel energetic and successful, or inspired and rich, with a gloppy stove?

Probably not.

Experiment Time!

Clean your stove!

I mean it. Right now. Go clean your stove! Or… if you have a job (sheesh!)… wait until you’re done, I guess. 😋

Clean it really well—that means putting some elbow grease* into it.

Perhaps, try something like this:

  1. Take a before-picture.

  2. Remove the grates.

  3. Remove the drip pans.

  4. Soak them all in super-hot sudsy water using a great grease-cutting dish detergent like Dawn Power Clean.

  5. While those are soaking, scrub the crap out of the now naked stove top surface. (Be careful not to use abrasive cleaners on certain surfaces—you probably know what to do here.)

  6. Then, back at the sink, wash those soaking grates and drip pans clean. IMPORTANT NOTE: Ladies, you should probably be wearing dishwashing gloves on your hands to save those manicures and that skin!

    Remember, NEVER-EVER mix ammonia and bleach products. (Check your labels carefully!)

  8. Once all the parts are clean, dry them.

  9. Then, put that stove back together!

This whole process (though it sounds daunting) should only take about 20 minutes—and while it probably won’t be the most fun you’ve ever had, the results are:


When you’re all finished, come on back here and report your results.

Don’t forget to take Before & After pics so we can all share in your victory!

You can find and follow me here on Instagram or here on Facebook.

And, when you notice an increase in your health or wealth, come back and share that with us too!

*A note on elbow grease

When I was 7 or 8 years old, I was cleaning the bathtub during my weekly chores. I couldn’t clean off this one really tough hard water stain from the drain. My mom said I needed some “elbow grease.” So I said, “Great! Do we have any? Let’s go buy some!” 😃

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Want to learn more about how I can help you learn feng shui to improve your life?

Click here to book a free, no obligation 40-minute call with me.

This is your chance to ask me anything and find out how I can help you get organized, learn feng shui, and create a life of balance, peace, and calm.