Gaining Space

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What’s your big MOFA?

When my clients and I begin working together to organize their homes, our first session is an intensive one.

Among other things, I help them discover their WHY.

Why is it important to learn to get organized?

The quick, easy answers usually come to mind first:

  • “I want to find my keys in one minute or less.”

  • “I want to be able to cook dinner without having to move all the stuff on the countertops.”

  • “I want to be able to work from home without being distracted by all the things.”

  • “I want room to dance… [or paint] [or just think.]”

This is a great start.

But in order to take the actions necessary and follow the steps I lay out to learn to be organized, we have to dig deeper.

We have to find their big ‘MOFA’

their big motivating factor

They discover their deeper goals, all the things that learning to get organized will give them:

  • more peace and calm

  • more time, presence, or joy with family

  • spaciousness and beauty

  • freedom from debt

  • focus and mental clarity to get out of overwhelm and go after your dreams

No one ever decided to get organized (or to do ANYTHING, really) until they found their compelling reason to do so.

Let’s Find your ‘MOFA’

WHY do you want to get organized, own less stuff, and live a simpler life?

First, simply ask yourself:

How would my life be better if I were more organized or had less stuff?

Then, take that answer and ask:

Why is that important?

Then take THAT answer and ask:

And why is THAT important?

Then do it again — take THAT answer and ask:

Again, why is THAT important?

Keep asking until you feel you’ve gotten to the heart of the matter.


You have found your big motivating factor—the thought that will keep you feeling motivated to do the work necessary to reach your goals!

Once you find your ‘MOFA’

  • Write it down.

  • Read it every day.

  • Keep it front of mind when you go to do [that thing] you say you want to do.

It will help you make clear decisions about how to best move forward to reach your goals.

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Want help clearing the clutter and organizing your home, to-do list, and mind?

I can help you in my 1:1, personal coaching program—enrolling now!

Is clutter coaching right for you? Find out—

Click here to book a free, no obligation 40-minute call with me.

This is your chance to ask me anything and find out how I can help you get organized and design a home & life you love.