Gaining Space

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The #1 question to ask yourself while cleaning out your closet

I have to admit I’m stealing this line from a client—

The #1 question to ask yourself while cleaning out your closet

I had a call with a client this week — It was the week after she had been organizing her closet.

Last week, I took her through a visualization exercise to prepare her to make the hard decisions in her closet — like what to keep and what to donate.

She said that was a powerful visualization and that I had prepped her with great questions.

But it turns out — the one question that helped her the most was the one she came up with on her own:

“Would I feel good running into my EX-boyfriend while wearing this?”

THAT is the question that got her to clear out the dead-weight in her closet and finally make space for the clothes she loves.

I love it!

What do you need to ask yourself to finally donate those frumpy pants to charity?

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