Gaining Space

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The truth about holiday cards

You may not know this.
(Few people do.)

But it’s time you learned the truth.

It’s about things people send you.

Specifically, today—I’m talking about holiday cards people send you.

This is very top-secret stuff—

You may have heard rumors about this.

You ready?

Wait! Are you alone?


Did you know that...?

You’re not required to keep holiday cards people send you.


I know, crazy! But true.

When you receive a holiday card, you do NOT have to keep it.

You do not have to keep it forever.

You do not even have to keep it for one minute.

You could open the card, read it and think, “Oh! That’s sweet. It’s great to hear what they’ve been up to.” and then, you could drop it straight into the recycling bin.

You could even open it, read it and think, “Oh! Not another perfect holiday card with the whole family in matching pajamas — why am I still friends with her?”

Oh my gosh — You could even NOT open it at all.

Wait, what? Stop.
[OK, I will. That went a little far.]

My point is:

You get to choose. How great is that?!

  • You get to choose whether to keep them or not keep them.

  • You get to choose to respond to them or not to respond to them.

  • You get to choose to put them on display (as I do—see all my good-looking, talented artist friends above).

  • Or, you get to choose to put them in a box and keep them all forever—to keep them until the years and years of boxes accumulate and you can’t open your guest room door anymore. (Please don’t do that. I know I said you get to choose, but is that really what you want to do?)

So many choices!

Do what’s right for you.

Here’s what I do with holiday cards:

I display my cards until the New Year.

Then, I recycle them.

If there’s anything super-special I’m afraid to let go of because I want to “remember it forever,” I digitize it (scan it or take a photo) and store it in the Cloud.

What will you choose to do with your holiday cards?

* * *

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